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  • Writer's pictureSniffer Evangelist

Detecting Landfill Methane Emissions with Drones

On September 23, 2023, the US EPA Landfill Methane Outreach Program (LMOP) hosted a webinar titled "Detecting Landfill Methane Emissions with Drones". The intended audience of the webinar were landfill gas operators, developers, and those working in the landfill industry interested in learning about drones used for the purpose of detecting, accounting for, and reducing landfill emissions.

Sniffer Robotics' CTO, David Barron, was the featured speaker and presented an overview of the SnifferDRONE™ unmanned aerial system (UAS), how it is used for this purpose, and the benefit to the industry. Specific use cases with details of OTM-51 / ALT-150 (US EPA approval for compliance) will also be presented.

The webinar can be assess by clicking on this link:

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